Zbigniew Brzezinski and Ahriman, the “Father of Lies”

crisis in Washington over their failed Ukrainian project, their inexorable march toward war with Russia and the Islamic state can all be traced back to a legacy of U.S. policies going back to the post-World War II era. This process reached a denouement six months prior to the December 27, 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan when President Carter signed a directive allowing Zbigniew Brzezinski to empower Muslim extremists in Central Asia to trick the Soviet Union into an invasion with lies. In a 1998 interview in Le Nouvel Observateur, Brzezinski boasted about his use of lies, “That secret operation was an excellent idea. Its objective was to lead the Russian to the Afghan trap, and you want me to regret it? The very same day the Soviets crossed the Afghan border I wrote the following to President Carter: This is our chance to give Russia its Viet Nam.” The reporter then asked, “Aren’t you sorry either for favoring Islamic fundamentalism and providing weapons and consultancies to future terrorists?” Brzezinski responded, “What is the most important thing when you look at world history, the Taliban or the fall of the Soviet empire? Some excited Islamists or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?” Zbigniew Brzezinski is responsible for activating the policy almost four decades ago that set in motion the crisis of endless wars the world is trapped in today.   The mystical thread that runs deeply underneath the historical agenda is now becoming visible. Brzezinski’s imperial thinking crossed zero point in 1979 when he used the power of the demon of the lie, Ahriman, to beat the Evil Empire! Today Brzezinski is confronted with the fact that the war of light and dark he thought he had won with the collapse of the Soviet Union is not over. The “war” will never be over for Brzezinski unless he realizes he must conquer the demon of the lie in himself!  If he doesn’t, he will die a bitter old man.
“Ahriman is the inspirer of the most extreme kind of “scientific” materialism: the doctrine that there is no spirit or soul in the world; that life itself is not in fact alive, but is only a complex of mechanical processes; that reality is at base only quantitative, that there is no reality in the qualitative — color, sound, etc.; even that the human’s inner being is a confluence of material forces. On the emotional level, he works in the human subconscious instincts, inspiring fear, hatred, lust for power, and destructive sex impulses. On the mental level, he (Ahriman) inspires rigid, automatic thinking: (in Steiner’s phrase) thinking almost entirely without thoughts, but thinking tremendously strongly in the language, in the literal words, which easily become empty words, which in turn easily become lies.” ___________________________________________________________________________________________

“A powerful spiritual being, called “Ahriman” (or “Satan”), will incarnate in a human body. The terms “soul” and “spirit” have clear meanings. Earthly/cosmic evolution is an outcome of the deeds of the Gods. The central event of earth-evolution was the Incarnation of Christ. Spiritual powers of opposition are active: Lucifer, Ahriman, Sorat. Ahriman is the inspirer of materialistic science and commercialism, and permeates modern culture with deadening forces. Ordinary scientific thinking is only semi-conscious; we can, however, make thinking conscious. The spirits of opposition are necessary in the Gods’ evolutionary design. Ahriman manifests especially at 666-year intervals; the contemporary is 1998 AD = 3×666. Goethean science is a life-positive alternative to Ahrimanic science. Ahriman-in-the-flesh will likely present himself as the Christ. The Christ does not reappear in a physical body, but in a super-physical, ethereal form. Ahriman may incarnate “macrocosmically” in our computers. Mankind will acquire new faculties of thinking-consciousness and clairvoyance. Ahriman seeks to pervert these faculties, and to divert mankind and the earth from their destined paths in the Gods’ evolutionary plan. Ahrimanic secret societies influence politics, finance, and culture. A false “Maitreya” is “emerging” as a false Christ. An epistemology of conscious thinking supports the expansion of consciousness to the perception of spiritual truths.”________________________

“The intention of Ahriman, and his hosts, is to freeze the earth into complete rigidity, so that it will not pass over to the Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan ages, and to make the Man into an entirely earthly being — unindividualized, unfree, and divorced from the normal Gods’ cosmos. The essential Ahrimanic tendency is to materialize; to crystallize; to darken; to silence; to bring living, mobile forces into fixed form — in other words, to kill that which is living. This tendency in itself, within proper bounds, is not evil; the dead, material world is necessary for the regular Gods’ plan of human and cosmic development. The Ahrimanic tendency is evil only when it exceeds proper bounds, when it reaches into what should be alive — and Ahriman does try to exceed proper bounds. Again, the basic reality of the world is spiritual beings together with their deeds, but Ahriman promotes the illusion, the lie, that matter is the basic reality, or the only reality. In fact, Ahrimanic spirits, not “atoms” or “ultimate particles”, are the reality behind the apparently material world. Ahriman lives upon lies; he is a spirit of untruth, the “Father of Lies”.”

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