RoundTable 21: HOW CAN THE EARTH BELONG TO EVERYONE?  It’s A Lot Easier Than You Might Thin

A FREE Zoom Event  Wed. July 19, 2023    3:00 – 4:30 pm/ET   RSVP HERE


How can I help to make this happen?  How can we harmonize private wealth and commons wealth? How does addressing the land problem help us build an economy of peace out of war?


Once you see how the land and money problems are connected, that’s your “Eureka” moment. And you’ll see how to create a world that works for everyone.

RSVP HERE and join us on July 19, 2023    Featuring: TrineDay Publisher Kris Millegan (host), co-authors Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, and Earth Rights visionary Alanna Hartzok. Moderated by Bruce de Torres.

RESPONDENT FOLLOWED BY Q&A- Vanessa Beck, Coordinator, Baltimore Thrive (Land Value Tax Project) and a  former Coordinating Committee member for Black Alliance for Peace.

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould have written a Proposal for World Peace based on economic justice that can read HERE.

SOURCE MATERIAL: Pennsylvania’s Success with Local  Tax Reform  by John McConnell, Earth Day Founder and Alanna Hartzok, UN NGO Representative, can be accessed HERE.  The International Declaration of Individual and Common Rights to Earth can be accessed HERE.

EXTRA: Listen to our VT Radio Interview that connects 1000 Year Old Dots to the JFK assassination HERE.


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