The Hegelian Dialectic is a Mental Trap that only leads to Self-annihilation          

By Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

                                                                                                                                                                                  Ouroboros Perpetual Motion Machine  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

“William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”
Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”
William Roper: “Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!”
Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ‘round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!” ―   A Man for All Seasons

To Turn from War to Peace the Hegelian Dialectic must be dismantled               Today’s American empire was established in the post-WWII era with the U.S. acting as “receiver” for British mercantile interests.  Along with its corporate elites and imperial mandate, the U.S. inherited a 19th century European worldview referred to as the Hegelian Dialectic, which is based on the belief that conflict creates history. The dialectic derived from German philosopher Georg Hegel’s critique of natural law, written in 1825, in which he posited a theory of social and historical evolution.  Hegel’s new manner of thinking with its Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis revolutionized thought and  served as a tool for a new breed of social engineer eager to overthrow the old world order. Hegel’s dialectics acted as the foundation for the communist economic theories of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. In essence, Hegel disputed the theory of universal natural rights espoused by other philosophers such as Immanuel Kant, thereby laying the foundations for totalitarianism. According to Hegel, human society could only achieve its highest state and mankind its highest spiritual consciousness through endless self-perpetuating ideological struggles and conflicts between bipolar extremes. This conflict of opposites when applied to social, political and economic systems would result in the synthesizing of opposites which would inevitably lead mankind to final perfection.

Evidence of the invisible dialectic controlling the daily narrative can be found everywhere:  Environmentalists against private property owners, democrats against republicans, communists against capitalists, pro-choice versus pro-life, Christians against Muslims. No matter what the issue, the invisible dialectic controls both the conflict and the resolution yet it now seems that Hegel’s progress toward perfection has led only to new and more deadly cycles of conflict. The Hegelian dialectic works as a powerful tool for legitimizing whatever dialogue advances the global elite’s interest and looking back over the past 100 years, it is almost impossible not to see how its deliberate use has created a corrupted synthesis of state power.  At a micro-level, this phenomenon can be observed now taking over America’s politics.

Today’s Hegelians claim that their objective is to create a more egalitarian society. But in practice they merely manipulate and subvert the existing order with the ultimate goal of a utopian world government i.e. “New World Order” which they themselves will rule.  The system of designed social conflict to break down individual rights was spelled out by Hegel himself when he said: “‘…the State’ has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State… for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.”

By this definition, state power requires the rule of law, minimal corruption, judicial independence and state monopoly over the means of coercion; as well as a political culture of some trust and compromise rather than distrust and conflict. But when the state’s monopoly on coercion ultimately leads to distrust and conflict, then Hegel’s method has reached a contradiction which it cannot escape. When democracies cling to legitimacy based solely on the use of coercion on its own citizens, they are no longer democracies but a fascist/totalitarian state.

Economist and historian Antony Sutton belittled the Hegelian method by writing that at its best, “the Hegelian doctrine simply replaces the divine right of kings with the divine right of states.” So, based on America’s failures in Afghanistan and Iraq, the tumult in the Greater Middle East and now in Eastern Europe, has the Hegelian dialectic run its course?  The American empire is at a turning point politically, economically and socially. The Hegelian dialectic of endless conflict and competition has proved ruinous to the health of Western civilization. Will its course lead to a synthesis of its best elements or into a further disintegration of what has traditionally been known of as society?

The only way to defeat the downward progression of Hegel’s hypothesis is to step outside the dialectic and free ourselves from the limitations of controlled and guided thought. By moving away from a reliance on the monopoly of coercion and reaffirming our belief in the natural rights of all humans, we will return the foundations of legitimacy to the American government. Sutton frames the Hegelian dialectic as against the spirit and letter of the Constitution of the United States by stating how “We the people” grant the state some powers and reserve all others to the people and not self-appointed elites running the State.

If Americans truly believe the rights of the state are always subordinate and subject to the will of the people and consent of the governed, and truly believe that all people are endowed with inalienable rights and are created equal, then the time has come to reevaluate the dialectic and return to our time-worn natural rights.

A 2011 production of HAIR; the 1968 Anti-Vietnam War American Tribal Love-Rock Musical (Image by GisleHaa) Permission

The West can be restored, but only if Westerners rediscover their individual human right to those principles and traditions they claim to uphold. It is time for Western leaders to understand that the dialectic, which demands perpetual conflict, is a losing cause that has become self-defeating wherever applied. Ultimately it can only lead to self-annihilation. It is critical to establish a new and positive narrative for the American people. This is a key point in our effort to resurrect President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s  dream of world peace based on his American University speech, a blueprint for the creation of an action plan. That effort will culminate in a revival of something like the American Tribal Love-Rock Musical HAIR. In its time HAIR was the center of the Anti-Vietnam War Movement delivering a riveting political and social awakening that we experienced personally back in 1970. Its impact still reverberates around the world today. We are putting the power of that experience to work transforming today’s toxic international scene into a movement to bring about positive change that all people around the world desperately need and want. Our effort towards peace through dialogue and music will help us all break free from the dialectic’s narrative of defeating the “other” and opening to a more complex self-aware perspective where Americans can function as the spiritual and moral gauge in which one’s own values will be tested.

As difficult as it may be for Westerners to grasp, the West’s future lies in a process of re-humanization so it can address its own identity crisis. To quote from world renowned philosopher Marshall McLuhan: “… we’re standing on the threshold of a liberating and exhilarating world in which the human tribe can become truly one family and man’s consciousness can be freed from the shackles of mechanical culture and enabled to roam the cosmos. I have a deep and abiding belief in man’s potential to grow and learn, to plumb the depths of his own being and to learn the secret songs that orchestrate the universe. We live in a transitional era of profound pain and tragic identity quest, but the agony of our age is the labor pain of rebirth.”

We believe our future can be built based on JFK’s Dream of World Peace. Doing so will promote the rights of all people around the world to move away from War to the genuine Peace following its phenomenally long absence as a new standard for the West.

Copyright © 2022 Fitzgerald & Gould All rights reserved

Join with us for roundtable discussion #9 “How Do We Implement JFK’s Dream of World Peace” at our FREE Zoom Event May 25, 2022 at 3-4:30pm EST   Please RSVP at list

ROUNDTABLE #8 “How Dreams Activated the Mystical in Our Lives” 

For over four decades dreams and synchronicities led us from the politics of Afghanistan to its mysticism. Join our discussion about how we discovered the real power of the political is in the mystical.

A FREE Zoom Event   Wed. April 27, 2022  3:00-4:30 p.m./EST   #8 “How Dreams Activated the Mystical in Our Lives”  Registration Required at    

Recommended Reading:

Imagine a Future Based on JFK’s Dream of World Peace  By Paul & Liz
The Voice (Preface) By Paul & Liz
A Once and Future Myth  by Dan Sewell Ward


-RA “Kris” Millegan, Host and TrineDay Publisher (150 books so far). “The folks in the shadows who lie, cheat and steal to manipulate us must be exposed so we can create a better world for our children.”

-Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, co-authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story; Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire; and The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond (Book One) and Resurrection (Book Two).

-Bruce de Torres moderator and author of God, School, 9/11 and JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free.

THE VALEDICTION ROUNDTABLES “Exposing the Failure of Empire and Reclaiming the Narrative Creation Process” Inspired by THE VALEDICTION, the two-book memoir by Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould about their journalism in Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion, their return home, where corporate media would not broadcast the truth that they had found, and their journey into history, mysticism, and the real power behind empires.


Imagine a future based on JFK’s Dream of World Peace

OpEdNews 3/21/22

Jack’s Blog   3/29/22

By Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

King Author’s Round Table 1470   Source  Bibliothèque nationale de France   public domain

The Religious Motives behind JFK’s Assassination    

Something about the potential of America died along with our president on November 22, 1963 that has never returned. And despite a staggering wealth of information provided by researchers over the last sixty years the deeper examination of the JFK assassination hasn’t moved far. Even among those researchers not confined to the lone gunman theory, discussions are still limited to conspiracies between Cuban Americans, the Mafia, the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex all of whom had motives for wanting JFK dead. But when hatred for Rome is added as a motive, fresh avenues of investigation and resolution open and new possibilities emerge that reveal the workings of a conspiracy that traces back a thousand years.

JFK was hated for his religion and it was well known as his presidential campaign began in 1960. Right wing cabals in the US, especially in South Texas had been historically opposed to a Catholic becoming president. For many who deeply believed in America’s Masonic roots and viewed the nation’s creation as a safe haven from Rome’s persecution of a Medieval Knighthood known as the Knights Templar, JFK was an existential threat.

14th century Philippe IV    Source le Bel et sa famille.  public domain

How did this happen?

On October 13, 1307 the French King Philip the fourth—who was in debt to the Templars—ordered them arrested and charged with heretical practices. Then on November 22 under pressure from King Philip, Pope Clement the fifth issued a papal bull instructing all the monarchs of Europe to seize their assets. When the last Templar Grand Master, Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake by the Pope’s Inquisitors in 1314 it would serve as an inspiration to generations of heretics dedicated to overthrowing the Papacy.

Jacques de Molay   Source  Bibliotheque Nationale de France   public domain

Far-fetched? In 2016 we published an article stating that the time had come to stop the revenge and retribution cycle that justified the killing of JFK and received this statement from a self-described heretic: “This country [the USA] was created by Free Masons to escape the killing machinery of the Roman Catholic Church. The USA was created as a safe haven to launch a counter war on that church hence separation of church and state. And yes, JFK, a Catholic, was taken out because of a history beyond his control. Who would allow a Catholic to run a Masonic refuge?  So no, we will not forget and we do not forgive an evil institutional empire of conquest and profit and power. It is our work to bring it to a halt. “Not to us Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give the glory.”

 Purchase the book here

The official narrative of the JFK assassination remains static. The time has come to dig deeper and our books, Valediction Three Nights of Desmond and Valediction Resurrection suggest the place to begin is with JFK’s ancestors and some well-known myths surrounding the Fitzgerald family’s connection to the Camelot legend.

Why does the assassination of JFK still haunt us to this day?

The Fitzgerald dynasty began in 1097 with the marriage of Gerald FitzWalter of Windsor to Princess Nest, daughter of Rhys ap Tewdwr, king of South Wales, a kingdom known as the home of Grail mythology. The marriage was arranged under the auspices of King William Rufus the son of William the Conqueror. As a Tudor Princess, Nest’s lineage traced back to the mythical Celtic court of Arthur, forming the basis of the grail legends associated with the presidency of JFK.

“How Galahad drew out the sword from the floating stone at Camelot.” Source Published 1920 by Macmillan, NY Arthur Rackham  1867–1939 public domain

On August 2, 1100 King William Rufus was slain in the New Forest by an arrow shot by Walter Tirel – a close friend of Rufus. Although everyone knew who’d shot the arrow—Tirel was never held accountable. It is suspected that Rufus knowingly accepted his fate and became the sacred sacrifice required by the ancient rules of kingship. Britain’s new Norman aristocracy wanted to prove its legitimacy to the people. The way to get it was by combining political and the mystical power of the Grail narrative with sacred killing.

Like William Rufus JFK’s murder fits a pattern of sacred sacrifice. He was shot in Dealey Plaza at a Masonic triangle and suffered the Celtic triple death—strangled by a shot through the throat, shot in the back and virtually-decapitated with the third shot. Whoever really killed JFK on November 22—the Masonic Day of Revenge for the destruction of the Knights Templar—was allowed to escape. But even more telling is that like Rufus, JFK’s actions prior to November 22, seemed to indicate he understood his fate and he too accepted the role of the sacred sacrifice. Did JFK’s assassination complete a grail cycle that William Rufus inaugurated almost 900 years ago with the marriage of Gerald and Nest and the creation of the Fitzgerald dynasty?

Once opened up to the idea that the JFK assassination was an act of retribution for a seven hundred year old vendetta, new thinking becomes possible. Understanding a deep-state that goes back thousands of years requires deep-questions and the willingness to accept deep-answers, no matter where they lead. We found our deepest answer in the mythology surrounding the Fitzgerald family.

Royals may control the Historical Record but not our Myths                                                                          

Royal bloodlines claim divine rights because they trace their lineage back to ancient times while most of humanity’s history has been lost due to the devastating wars started by the royals themselves. The seeds of divinity reside within all humans thereby making one and all royal, regardless of a traceable lineage.  And then there is the unique record that can never be destroyed, lost or stolen. According to faith healer and psychic Edgar Cayce a “mystical” storehouse of every thought, deed, word, feeling, taste, smell, sound and intent anyone has ever experienced lives on in what is called the Akashic Records. Accessed through dreams, synchronicities and otherworldly experiences, these records provide us with the source material for the creation of our myths. Cayce described their importance this way, “These records connect each and every one of us to each other. They contain the essence of every archetypal symbol or mythic story which has ever deeply touched patterns of human behavior and experience. They have been the inspiration for dreams and invention. They draw us toward or repel us from one another. They mold and shape levels of human consciousness. They are a portion of Divine Mind. They are the unbiased judge and jury that attempt to guide, educate, and transform every individual to become the very best that she or he can be. They embody an ever-changing array of possible futures that are called into potential as we interact and respond to the circumstances of our lives.”

Understanding the myth process is the path to finding truth                                                                       

Myths have been created by every culture world-wide for millennia. They are the stories of our encounters with the mystical handed down from one generation to the next. When myths are merged with the historical record the interaction aids in deciphering a more complex meaning of history. Joseph Campbell explains the importance of myths to each one of us with this challenge, “What is it we are questing for? It is the fulfillment of that which is potential in each of us. Questing for it is not an ego trip; it is an adventure to bring into fulfillment your gift to the world, which is yourself. There is nothing you can do that’s more important than being fulfilled. You become a sign, you become a signal, transparent to transcendence; in this way you will find, live, become a realization of your own personal myth.”

Elizabeth I (1533-1603) Royal Collection  Source  Blackwork Guild  public domain

The Origins of the Fitzgerald Mythology                                                                                           

In our research into the Fitzgerald family’s rise and fall from power—starting with the 12th century Norman invasion of Ireland and ending four hundred years later with the beheading of the last earl of Desmond by Elizabeth I—we were faced with the limits of the historical record. Fortunately the age of myth lived on in Ireland into the mid—20th century allowing us the ability to access a rich layer of meaning beyond history.

Starting with the Fitzgeralds’ arrival in Ireland in 1169 an outpouring of prophecies believed to be connected to the family was already in existence. Over time these prophecies became entwined with the prophetic legacies of Merlin, the Grail legends from Wales, the Irish prophets Moling, Brechan, Patrick and Colmcille and the ancient Irish legends of Finn and the Dagda. The myths about the family itself, and especially the Earls of Desmond, began to form as stories in the early 14th century.

Maurice Fitzgerald’s son Gerald, known as Gearoid Iarla in Gaelic, inspired the origin myth of the family. Born in 1338, Gearoid succeeded to the Earldom in 1358 making him the 3rd Earl of Desmond and the leader of the Munster branch of the Fitzgeralds—the most powerful Norman family in late medieval Ireland. Gearoid’s castle at Lough Gur, Co. Limerick became the center of the earldom and a home for his love of Gaelic culture.

As a highly respected composer of Gaelic love poetry, Gearoid Iarla became a leading example of the Norman lords’ willingness to embrace their own Gaelicization. “More Irish than Irish themselves” was a phrase used by later historians to describe this phenomenon of total cultural assimilation.

Maurice FitzGerald in the Expugnatio Hibernica, written in 1189 by his nephew, Gerald of Wales public domain  National Library of Ireland

The Fitzgeralds, as the new Norman overlords of Munster, adopted the mythic symbolism of the Gaelic tradition and embraced the beautiful Aine as their goddess of Munster sovereignty. A poet in their employ in the 14th century referred to Gerald’s father, Maurice as “Aine’s king” and Gerald as “the son of Aine’s knight.” According to the folklore, Maurice was walking by the shore of Lough Gur when he saw the beautiful Aine bathing.  He seized her cloak, which magically put her under his power, and then lay with her. Aine told Maurice that she would bear him a son Gearoid Iarla whom he was to bring up with the best of care. One caution she gave to Maurice, he was not to show surprise at anything however strange that his son should do.

The boy grew into a handsome young man and one night there was a gathering at the castle with dancing. None of the ladies none could compete with Gearoid Iarla’s dancing. When the dance ended one young woman engaged him in another contest as she rose and leaped over the guests, tables and dishes and then leaped back again. The old Earl turned to his son and said “Can you do anything like that?” No said Gearoid. “Well stand up and try.” Gearoid then rose and leaped into a bottle, and out again. There was great applause for his feat. Then the Old Earl made the mistake of looking with shock at his son’s performance. “Were you not warned, said the young Earl, never to show surprise at anything I might do?  The Old Earl’s display forced his son to leave his father’s world. Once Gearoid’s feats were recognized as magical he would be defined as godlike and have to go with his mother into the otherworld. “You have forced me to leave you” were his last words to his father. When Gearoid left the castle he entered the water of the river, and swam away in the form of a goose.

The folklore con­cerning Gearoid, the most famous of the Desmond earls, continued to grow. It was said that had not died, but mysteriously disappeared from this world. During the 15th century, London grew nervous about the growing power of the Desmond earls. Despite continued challenges to their rule the Fitzgeralds maintained control and the adulation of the Irish people continued as their prestige grew throughout Europe. The Gherardini, a leading Florentine family claimed they were related. But tension continued to grow in the early16th century as rumors spread that the Fitzgeralds were plotting to invade and seize London’s power.

For over four hundred years the Fitzgeralds were absorbed into the local mythology of southwest Ireland. Then in 1558, the 14th Earl of Desmond succeeded to the title. His name was Gerald, the first to have that name since Gearoid Iarla. The English had deprived Gerald of his family estates while keeping him locked up in London Tower for long periods of time. Rather than breaking Gerald’s will, upon his return home in 1573, he took on an even stronger pro-Irish stance. Within a few years he had joined the rebellion against the English. Hopes ran high for the Fitzgerald campaign as the prophecies were circulated. In later folklore it was claimed that the new Gearoid Iarla embodied the same great Fitzgerald spirit of his 14th century ancestor.

From their contacts in Florence, the Fitzgeralds would have heard the myths of Emperor Frederick I, who had died in 1190 but was claimed to be alive and waiting to return. There is evidence that the Emperor’s legends inspired the Fitzgeralds to believe good fortune was coming back soon. Gearoid Iarla had not died but was waiting to return at the hour of the family’s greatest need. It is said that a man passing by Lough Gur one night, saw a light and found the entrance to a cavern, where he saw an army of knights and horses asleep. There was a sword on the floor, and as the man drew it out the army awakened. Then its leader, Gearoid Iarla, asked if the time had come yet, but the man ran away. The army fell back to sleep, and the entrance to the cavern could not be found later.

Although the 14th Earl of Desmond was an inspiration to those who knew him by 1583 Gerald’s cause was lost and he was beheaded. The great affection for the family lived on, as did the hope that one of them would someday free Ireland. There are repeated references to this mystical belief in documents from the 17th to the 19th centuries as well as London’s concern for the Fitzgerald’s embrace of Gaelic ways in clear defiance of English law.

Despite London’s fierce opposition, Gearoid Iarla and the myths surrounding him would continue to inspire future Fitzgeralds while winning the admiration of the Irish people. But as the power of these myths became entwined with Ireland’s political history London found itself justifying a war of genocide to eliminate an existential threat to London’s rule far beyond mere competition. To the royals, siding with the “people” over loyalty to the Crown was the highest treason of all. That revelation made clear why the marriage of Gerald and Nest in 1097 would inevitably lead to the ritual killing of JFK in 1963.

(Sources: Myth, Legend and Romance: An Encyclopedia of the Irish Folk Tradition by Dáithí Ó hÓgáin, Mythic Ireland by Michael Dames)

The Alchemy of Myth, Prophecy, Martyrs and JFK  

The Expugnatio Hibernica  is a firsthand historical account of the Fitzgeralds coming to Ireland in 1169. The author of book, Giraldus Cambrensis, known as Gerald of Wales, was a grandson of Gerald of Windsor and Princess Nest. As a prolific writer and influential figure of the twelfth century he was known to work with a mythical sensibility, including prophecy, dreams and visions.

Included in his book was a 12th century reading of a 6th century prophecy by Merlin Silvester. In Gerald of Wales’ adaptation he presented parallels to the 1170 murder of his friend Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, which helped to explain the nature and the reality of ritualistic murder. Below you can read the original prophecy as well as a following summary of Gerald of Wales’ adaptation of that prophecy.

The 6th century Merlin Silvester prophecy   

‘A new martyr will be revealed by a new kind of miracle. In western lands, and in the age when the world is drawing to its end, he will, by his own peculiar power, restore to the maimed and wretched limbs that have been wrenched out or cut off.’ And again: ‘Grief will be transformed into joy when sons butcher their father in their mother’s womb. The West will enjoy what was formerly the prerogative of the East, and at the setting of the sun, while the sun rises in its setting, while its light seems to be quenched and extinguished; the daylight illumines with a new brightness the mists of the western land and of the closing age of the world. Orators will come from the East, and princes and principal men will worship the footsteps of a new martyr in the lands that lie on the western borders of the ocean.’”

A summary of Gerald of Wales’ 12th century adaptation of the prophecy     

Thomas archbishop of Canterbury … the luster of his whole martyrdom was crowned by all the following circumstances: that he personally opened the doors of the church to his enemies, men mad with hate; and running towards their swords with head uncovered he placed the hallowed crown of his head in the path of their blows; that he was killed in the mother church before the altar; that his murderers were four of the ‘dogs of the palace, raging with a fury more than canine, from whom he received four wounds upon the crown of the head, that this soldier of Christ and noble martyr, fearlessly enduring suffering, gained the distinction of martyrdom only in that part of his body which represents Christ’s passion, that he sanctified with his own blood the sacred week of our Lord’s birth….and just as the first Thomas preceded our Lord’s birth day by five days, so this second Thomas rounded off the same number of days after Christmas…Just as St. Thomas exposed his body to cruel torturers to exalt this actual fabric of the church, so Thomas Becket did not shrink from becoming a victim of the sword so that he might preserve intact the spiritual form of the church. These two short verses sum up very well the triumphant glory of such a mighty victory: ‘A true lover of Christ died for the spouse of Christ, close to Christ’s birthday, in Christ’s church. When his limbs had been scattered and thrown out of the grave, he put new ones in their place-a kind of miracle hitherto unheard of-and by displaying this new kind of miraculous power truly appeared as a new martyr.” 

Our 21st century Adaptation of the 6th century Merlin Silvester prophe

Inspired by Gerald of Wales’ weaving the prophecy into the reality of his day, we decided to do an update for a 21st century sensibility with one critical difference. It has been interpreted that the prophecy was foreshadowing the end of time and that a final martyr would return to redeem the world. Becket’s martyrdom could not end the cycle 900 years ago. Now that we are faced with the authentic end of time we have chosen JFK to be the one who will end the cycle of martyrdom itself.

 “John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the slain son is the martyr (at the end of time) revealed by a new kind of miracle. In western lands, and in the age when the world is drawing to its end, he will, by his own peculiar power, restore to the maimed and wretched limbs that have been wrenched out or cut off.’ And again: ‘Grief will be transformed into joy when (the fathers stop sacrificing their sons to endless war and recognize the sons’ right to bring peace to the world. The fathers have been coveting control of the mothers’ womb against the sons’ own rights to his mother’s wisdom.) The West will enjoy what was formerly the prerogative of the East, and at the setting of the sun, while the sun rises in its setting, while its light seems to be quenched and extinguished; the daylight illumines with a new brightness the mists of the western land and of the closing age of the world. Orators will come from the East, and princes and principal men will worship the footsteps of a new martyr in the lands that lie on the western borders of the ocean.’ “

Transforming Revenge & Retribution into JFK’s Dream of World Peace

The last earl of Desmond was slain in 1583 while fighting for the Irish people. Even with that devastating blow to the cause of Irish freedom, the affection for the Fitzgerald family continued to grow and has lived on to this day. As the president of the United States John Fitzgerald Kennedy rose to the level of his great ancestors and won the hearts of the American people. JFK’s dream for a peaceful world was killed that day in Dallas in 1963. If we who believe in his vision can come together to resurrect his dream we will restore to the world what was lost with his death. The mystical Gearoid Iarla and his army of phantom soldiers have already been stirred from their slumber and will rise from Lough Gur to help JFK’s spirit return to the American people at our time of greatest need. This is how the power of myth really works for the people.

Copyright © 2022 Fitzgerald & Gould All rights reserved

“Paul and Liz’s Magical Mystery Tour with Oliver Stone and How It Relates to Our Future”


The mystical has long intrigued Hollywood, intelligence agencies and the “rulers” of the world. Join our Roundtable #7 discussion to find out why that matters as we share astonishing stories about our mystical Hollywood experience.  For more info visit

A FREE Zoom Event Wed. Mar 23, 2022 from 3-4:30 pm EST  RSVP today at list


  • R A “Kris” Millegan, TrineDay publisher, “The folks in the shadows who lie, cheat and steal must be exposed so we can create a better world for our children.”
  • Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire, The Voice and The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond
  • Bruce de Torres, panelist and moderator, author of God, School, 9/11 and JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free

J.G. Michael, host of Parallax Views interviews Fitzgerald and Gould

Listen to the interview here    January 31, 2022

On this edition of Parallax Views, Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire, and now the novelized memoir The Valediction, join me to discuss their forty year journey investigating American Empire, the Cold War arms race, military Keynesianism and destruction of the civilian economy, covert operations, the rise of the peculiar ex-Trotskyites that came to be known as neocons, the politicization of intelligence vis-a-vis “Team B”, the death of the SALT treaty, and the political maneuverings of the foreign policy heavyweight Zbigniew Brzezinski in the Jimmy Carter White House all through their attempts to understand the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

We begin the conversation by delving into Paul’s work in the talk show business. Paul discusses how an anti-SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) treay documentary led him to make a documentary that was pro-SALT. This led him to speak with the well-known economist John Kenneth Galbraith, who told him about some key Cold War hawk figures like Paul Nitsze. Liz explains how many thought the end of the Vietnam War and later the Carter Presidency would lead to a new era that would lead to a reinvestment in the American civilian economy rather than the Wall Street and military economy. The SALT treaties were part of this hope as were talks of peace and détente. Paul then goes on to explain what Paul Warnke told him about peace talks going back to Lyndon Johnson’s Presidency.

From there we jump into the topic of the neoconservatives and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Paul and Liz discuss the involvement of the virulently anti-Soviet Zbigniew Brzezinski in the Carter administration as National Security advisor. In this regard we talk about Paul and Liz’s interview with Dr. Charles Cogan, chief of the Near East and South Asia Division in the CIA’s Directorate of Operations (1979–1984), in which Cogan talked about asking Zbigniew Brzezinski about the “Afghan Trap”, the idea that Brzezinski intentionally lured the Soviets into Afghanistan via covert operations, and Brzezinski’s surprising response. This leads us to talk about Brzezinski’s infamous interview with Le Nouvel Observateur in 1998 and the controversy surrounding it.

From there we delve into a number of different odds and ends including the death of Adolph “Spike” Dubs; explaining what the Afghan Trap was; the relationship between Trotskyism, game theory, and neocons; Team B and the politicization of intelligence, the mujahadeen, the neoconservative casus belli, Cold War political theater, Zbigniew Brzezinski ad a Dr. Faustus character, late-stage imperial dementia, and much, much more.

The Brzezinski “Afghan Trap Thesis” is authentic: Interview with Dr. Charles Cogan 2 8 2015 (Youtube)

The Brzezinski Interview with Le Nouvel Observateur (1998)  Afghanistan Between Three Worlds (Documentary)

The Deep Research Behind the Valediction (Article “President Carter, Do You Swear to Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth?” Discussed In This Episode)

valediction2.jpg  Buy the book here


You can watch Roundtable #6, RESURRECT JFK AND THE USA HERE

The American Dream Thrived during the “Camelot” the Presidency of JFK

Join with us for Roundtable #6, RESURRECT JFK AND THE USA. If you missed #5 it can be viewed here. For more information visit  Pass this information on to your friends. Hope to see you soon!  Paul & Liz

— A FREE Zoom Event, Wed. Feb. 16, 2022, 3:00-4:30 pm/EST  — Please CLICK HERE  to register


  • R A “Kris” Millegan, TrineDay publisher, “The folks in the shadows who lie, cheat and steal must be exposed so we can create a better world for our children.”
  • Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire, The Voice and The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond
  • Carol Brouillet, organizer, activist, Founder of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
  • Bruce de Torres, moderator, author of God, School, 9/11 and JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free


The Dark Answers to Imperialism, JFK and Afghanistan are hidden in the Mystical–Two Authors’ Journey of Discovery

OpEdNews January 13, 2022

Jack’s Blog   January 15, 2022

By Paul Fitzgerald Elizabeth Gould

The first thing an academic tells you when you mention the mystical side of Afghanistan is that you shouldn’t talk about that. The study of foreign policy cannot be seen as motivated by anything other than rational and objective reasons and measured by the metrics of quantitative analysis. How then to explain ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan, the first director of the OSS and the father of today’s CIA calling his agents Knights Templars?

The Rhodes Colossus: Caricature of Cecil Rhodes 1892
(Image by Rachel C. Gibbons)
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How then to explain the American military’s fascination with medieval knighthoods? How then to explain the use of New Testament biblical passages engraved on the gunsights of American and British troops in Afghanistan? How then to explain American exceptionalism whereby the United States gets to do anything it pleases because America is right no matter what it does or how it does it?

People have heard about the holy warriors of the Muslim world, but what most Americans are unaware of is the mystical component of the warriors who fight for America and how that component has been setting the agenda for American politics from behind the scenes with no public scrutiny.

In Maine they use the expression “You can’t get there from here,” to explain this sort of disconnect. It’s being used to make the point that you can’t get exoteric Afghanistan unless you understand the esoteric and you can’t understand the esoteric without accepting your own personal motivationsIn researching for our books, we discovered a trove of esoteric history surrounding the West’s attraction to Afghanistan starting with the British. It revolves around Mystical Imperialism, a term first used to describe 19th-century British imperial efforts to colonize the non-Christian world by applying Judeo Christian ethics and philosophies.

Simply put, mystical imperialism rationalizes the expansion of a nation’s authority by conquest over other nations by infusing a sense of the divine into the raw politics of empire building. Today’s practitioners of American mystical imperialism are a hardened core of ideological defense intellectuals and military officers who combine their own esoteric and religious beliefs with Washington policy making.

These individuals can trace their philosophical DNA back to 19th-century European secret esoteric societies who were known to be heavily involved in espionage on both British and Russian sides. Reflected in the fictional quasi-Masonic exploits of Rudyard Kipling’s two soldiers in The Man Who Would be King, the “hidden” or occult game for control of Afghanistan and Central Asia was a factor in the foreign policy of the 19th century for the British and the Russians, and continues to this day through the United States

Afghanistan’s most notorious ‘Holy Warrior’ Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
(Image by
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As the ancient home of Zoroaster and the Avesta, the foundation document for the Judeo/Christian war of light against dark, of good versus evil, 19th-century Afghanistan and its surroundings provided a mystical underpinning to what today is dryly regarded as geopolitics.

Described as the “World-Island” by early 20th-century British geo-strategist Halford Mackinder, Russia’s geographic position at the center of the Eurasian land mass rivaled

Britain’s as an island fortress. Mackinder foresaw Russia expanding with ferocity beyond its borders. From the outset – a Russian dominance of Central Asia spawned nightmares for the British of an apocalyptic horde sweeping from the Russian steppe across Europe, which had to be stopped at any cost.

Henry Wallace, Franklin Roosevelt’s vice president, supported an expedition in 1934 with the intention of establishing a spiritual settlement in the Himalayas. Wallace expressed his enthusiasm for the plan known as the Shambhala Project, stating that, “the political situation in this part of the world is always rendered especially intriguing by the effect on it, of ancient prophecies, traditions and the like.” Wallace anticipated that those prophecies were at last coming due.

Hidden to human eyes, Shambhala was said, by Tibetan Buddhists, to lie somewhere near Tibet and would finally be revealed at the end of time. Others believed it was hidden in the valleys of the Pamir mountain range in Northeastern Afghanistan. This was the Shambhala that concealed the lost wisdom, the secrets of immortality and the beginnings of the human race. Adolph Hitler sent an expedition to Tibet and Afghanistan in 1939 in the hopes of uncovering proof of Aryan links to modern German society in the soil of Central Asia.

From Halford Mackinder at the beginning of the 20th century to the American Cold Warrior James Burnham, the godfather of neo-conservatism, to Zbigniew Brzezinski, the

Grand Master of Geostrategic American foreign policy, Eurasia represented the central basis for American global primacy, in a world defined by Manichean opposites. In a 1945 Partisan Review article titled “Lenin’s Heir” Burnham, while still at the OSS, infused his apocalyptic political views with mystical allusions to the Eurasian heartland as “the magnetic core” of Soviet power, comparing it to the mystical “reality of the One-of-Neo-Platonism,” whose inexorable and unstoppable “progression… descends through the stages of Mind, Soul, and Matter… towards its ultimate destination beyond the Eurasian boundaries and through…Appeasement and Infiltration England and the United States.”

As an “anti-Communist ideology” Burnham’s apocalyptic warnings about the inevitability of Soviet expansion from Eurasia’s magnetic core ring like a medieval theologian’s incantation throughout Winston Churchill’s 1946 “Iron Curtain” speech, which set the terms of the Cold War.

Twenty-six years later, Senator William Fulbright would realize that only because of the disastrous outcome of Vietnam was there any willingness to reexamine the basic assumptions of the Cold War. The 1972 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, known as SALT, would spring from this rational re-assessment, as would the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and eventually SALT II.

President Jimmy Carter and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev sign the Strategic Arms Limitation

Talks (SALT II) treaty, June 18, 1979, in Vienna.
(Image by Original Uploaded by Thames to EN)   Details   DMCA

But because of National Security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski’s unyielding hostility toward any compromise with the Soviet Union over Afghanistan, President Carter would ask the Senate to delay consideration of the treaty on the Senate floor. That treaty would never be passed and the United States would begin a long slow march into what Burnham described as the magnetic core of the World Island.

Our initiation into the realm of Mystical Imperialism began six months before the December 27, 1979, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan while we were producing Arms Race and the Economy: A Delicate Balance, a documentary for televangelist Pat Robertson‘s Christian Broadcast Network (CBN).

The station had been airing the American Security Council‘s The Salt Syndrome, a propaganda film railing against the passage of SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) that would limit defense spending. As host of CBN’s public affairs show, our documentary was to be the rebuttal to The Salt Syndrome as required by the Fairness Doctrine. We were aware that Robertson’s proselytizing on his flagship 700 Club program was already engaged in a religious crusade to change America.

While working on the documentary our eyes were opened to a merging of powerful pro war political, business, and religious interests that were using their combined influence to push America into a Holy War against the Soviet Union.

As we continued to work on the production, experts from the opposite side of the political spectrum, such as economist John Kenneth Galbraith, informed us about the damage that a massive diversion of tax dollars would represent to the civilian economy. Galbraith insisted that accelerated defense spending following the end of the Vietnam War–as the military-industrial complex was demanding–would destroy the civilian economy.

He was convinced that the Cold War had already made America more like the Soviet Union, ideologically rigid, increasingly orthodox and ruled by a military-industrial-academic establishment suspended from reality.

By the time our program aired, the argument was no longer whether our government should call a halt to the nuclear arms race and reinvest in the civilian economy. According to President Carter the December 27, 1979, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was the greatest threat to peace since the Second World War.

That statement instantly rolled back the narrative to 1947, the Truman Doctrine and the psychological warfare campaign necessary to bring it back to life. We realized that the powerful pro-war political, business, and religious interests calling for Holy War in The SALT Syndrome had just won the brass ring.

The point man for that campaign was Zbigniew Brzezinski. As an acolyte of geo-strategist Halford Mackinder, Brzezinski believed the Soviet takeover of Afghanistan and its pursuit of global dominance was foreordained and not subject to rational empirical observations.

Beginning in 1978, Brzezinski had been dialoguing with the Chinese and the Pakistanis over Soviet influence in Afghanistan and how to respond to it. In the summer of 1979, six months before the Soviet invasion, Brzezinski had President Carter sign a finding enabling propaganda support to the insurgency that would help draw the Soviets into what Brzezinski referred to as “the Afghan trap.”

When the Kabul government expelled the Western media one month after the Soviet invasion, we jumped at the chance to get behind the propaganda and break the news blackout. Once we had secured the visas in the spring of 1981, a friend in local TV news connected us to CBS Foreign News Editor Peter Larkin. Larkin was an intense man–Saigon bureau chief during the Vietnam War–and wanted the story immediately.

What we saw in Kabul was indeed in stark contrast to the picture playing on evening news. After struggling with our footage for a month CBS finally aired a segment about the Soviet troops that we didn’t see. Our involvement with CBS News was the beginning of an education in the MSM’s fact-free restructuring of the Afghan narrative that continues to hold sway today.

Following the distribution of Afghanistan Between Three Worlds, a PBS documentary we produced in 1982, we got a call from Major Karen McKay of the Committee for a Free Afghanistan. She complained that we didn’t mention anything about the Soviets’ use of chemical weapons in the documentary.

We explained those charges hadn’t been proved. But the Major countered that since the New York Times and the Washington Post had accepted her evidence why wouldn’t we.

Because, we explained, the claims we’d reviewed came from second- or third-hand sources or were based on hearsay evidence. Then we politely suggested what seemed like common sense, that the Major could make a better case if she had some hard evidence. Major McKay’s answer was revelatory as she snapped, “When it comes to the Russians we don’t need proof. We know they’re guilty.”

Once again, it was made very clear to us that when it came to the MSM narrative, facts REALLY didn’t matter.

When the third opportunity to challenge the MSM’s narrative arrived, we still had hope and again jumped at the chance. In the spring of 1983 we returned to Kabul with Harvard Negotiation Project Director Roger Fisher for ABC’s Nightline.

Our aim was to establish the credibility of the American claims that the Soviets had no intention of withdrawing from Afghanistan. We had a number of credible sources stating that the Kremlin wanted desperately to abandon the war, but the Reagan administration was dragging its feet.

From the moment they entered the White House the new administration had demanded that the Soviets withdraw their forces, while at the same time keeping them pinned down through covert action so they couldn’t leave. Though lacking in factual backup, this hypocritical campaign was embraced by the entire American political spectrum and our effort with Roger Fisher to further the negotiation process remained willfully unexamined by America’s mainstream media.

By 1987 we were so frustrated with getting nowhere at changing the official narrative with the facts on the ground we had to question all our assumptions about journalism. If facts did not matter, what did?

That’s when we looked at our story from a personal perspective and wondered what had called us to the Afghan story in the first place. We started writing screenplays out of our accumulated materials and research and by the end of the 1980s had completed four. But we had yet to find the right path to tell our story.

Then in September of 1991, our ten-year-old daughter Alissa told us about a dream she had with Paul’s deceased father whom she had never met. He was accompanied by a man wearing a Scottish plaid suit with bell-bottom trousers and a matching hat. The man told Alissa he was 800 years old. We already knew the Fitzgerald family had come to Ireland as mercenaries for King Henry II 800 years before and decided to consider Alissa’s dream as a mystical encouragement to dig deeper into the past for answers.

Three months later we saw Oliver Stone’s film, JFK, and found the inspiration we had been looking for. Stone’s decision to include the involvement of an esoteric secret society with deeper motives resonated with us.


In our research into the Norman invasion of Ireland in 1170, an enterprise largely run by the Fitzgerald family, we had discovered historical reasons why members of some secret societies might have been motivated to eliminate JFK in the modern era as retribution for past “crimes.” We then developed The Voice research paper with the hope that Stone would become interested in this esoteric perspective too, but he wanted our Afghanistan story instead.


Maurice FitzGerald as shown in the Expugnatio Hibernica, written in 1189 by his nephew, Gerald of Wales
(Image by National Library of Ireland)
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Once we began to work on the script, the mythic implications of the Afghan story began to emerge when many of the documents preceding the crisis were declassified. As we trailed the clues, we found pseudo-religious references in Washington’s official policy to the Manichean war of the light against the dark-whose origins began in the region now known as Afghanistan.

We then discovered a synchronistic connection that we could not have imagined. One of the books we had purchased was written by an ex-CIA agent about British efforts in the 19th century. In the book were many photos of prominent Brits and Afghans and of the battles they fought. But also included were photos of two

Americans. One of these men was dressed wearing a Scottish plaid suit with bell-bottomed trousers and a matching turban. The photo was of Alexander Gardner, a mercenary who’d found his way to Afghanistan in the 1820s. He’d discovered the religion of Zoroaster settled in the mountains and married an Afghan Princess. He not only lived the real life of Rudyard Kipling’s Man Who Would Be King; it has been said Gardner provided Kipling with essential information for his novel.





Alissa confirmed that day when she came home from school that the soldier in the photo wearing a clan uniform of his own design, was the man from her dream. Alissa had somehow tapped a synchronicity about our Afghan adventure that gave it a deeper meaning.

Colonel Alexander Gardner

Colonel Alexander Gardner
(Image by Sotheby’s)
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As we continued to develop The Voice as a novel, over time Stone became intrigued and asked us to connect its esoteric background with the fact-based Afghanistan script. Now titled Three Nights of Desmond, we found ourselves merging the past, present, and future into a very different kind of story.

In writing the script, the antagonist (modeled after CBS Foreign News Editor Peter Larkin) emerged as a tragic archetype: an angry, wounded veteran who was determined to twist the Afghanistan story to get back at the Soviets for what he believed they had done to him in Vietnam. In The Voice, published in 2001, the character had matured as a victim of his own propaganda. Through that narrative the character of Alissa, as Paul’s daughter, resolved the conflict between the “Larkin” character and Paul.

Even though Alissa had no involvement in our work, over the decades many of our Afghan contacts, that she had never met, continued to cross into her life as if by magic. The most powerful synchronicity occurred when she came to meet the real Peter Larkin through her friendship with his daughter Brett. We had known nothing about this friendship until December 23, 2011, when Peter and Brett arrived at our home for a holiday party at 7:00 pm as guests of Alissa.

Having the man who launched us into our Afghan saga join with us for our holiday party was beyond surreal. It was as if a dream had materialized before our eyes. The novelized encounter between Paul and Peter through Alissa (which had been foreshadowed in The Voice) had been delivered to us through our front door. The reality of the script we struggled to write for Stone had finally written itself. It was a revelatory moment produced by our daughters that completed a journey begun 30 years before between two competing storytellers.


Back in 1979 when we first encountered the MSM’s propaganda Afghan narrative we could not have imagined that narrative would still be presented as fact in 2021. The science is very clear; a narrative built with no facts is still more powerful at changing minds than facts alone. This MSNBC report is a stark reminder of that fact. From the ancient oral to the modern written tradition humans have always been drawn to stories. The power of narratives to transform people’s views is well documented. Like a recipe being offered as food, presenting even solid facts without framing it in a narrative is not enough to motivate most people to action. Our big breakthrough came when we realized that the power to win hearts and minds was not by trying to change the MSM’s empty narrative; it was in creating a new narrative with our own facts. When you create a good story out of solid facts that is truly food for thought!

We’ve often wondered what would have changed in the American dialogue on the JFK assassination if Oliver Stone had created a film based on the concept we gave him in 1992; going back to the origin of the Fitzgerald family and their dicey relationship with London. What Stone did do for us was put us back on the Afghan course we had walked away from; and in that process crossed us over into the mystical telling of our own story. We came to see that the weaving back and forth of the screenplay and the novel had become a way of understanding the multi-dimensional nature of narrative creation. Although our three years of work with Stone did produce the Three Nights of Desmond script concept, it was never fulfilled. Thirty years in the making, we finally brought the script concept created for Stone to fruition as the heart and soul of, The Valediction Three Nights of Desmond and The Valediction Resurrection that will be available next spring.    Copyright © 2022 Fitzgerald & Gould All rights reserved



Roundtable #5 – “The Quest For The Grail is Resolved: The Oldest Spy Operation In History”

READ OUR ARTICLE: The Dark Answers to Imperialism, Afghanistan and JFK are hidden in the Mystical–Two Author’s Journey of Discovery   IT DELIVERS SOME OF WHAT WE’LL BE DISCUSSING IN RT#5

TrineDay’s The Valediction Roundtable Series

Dear friends, 

Join with us for a FREE Zoom Event: “ The Quest For The Grail is Resolved The Oldest Spy Operation In History: ” January 19th from 3:00-4:30 pm/ET. You won’t want to miss it!   For more about The Valediction Three Nights of Desmond visit

All best, Paul and Liz

Registration Required at


  • RA “Kris” Millegan, TrineDay publisher “The folks in the shadows who lie, cheat and steal to manipulate us must be exposed so we can create a better world for our children.”
  • Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire, The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond and The Voice
  • Bruce de Torres  author of God, School, 9/11 and JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free and moderator

Valediction Roundtable Series: “Exposing the Failure of Empire and Reclaiming the Narrative Creation Process

Roundtable #4 – “Into the Mystic: The Murder of JFK and How It Relates to The Valediction” –

FREE Zoom Event Dec. 8, 2021 from 3:00-4:30 pm/ET Registration Required at

For more information visit


  • RA “Kris” Millegan, TrineDay publisher “The folks in the shadows who lie, cheat and steal to manipulate us must be exposed so we can create a better world for our children.”
  • Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire, The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond and The Voice
  • S.K. Bain, author of The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 As Mass Ritual; Black Jack: The Dawning of the New Great Age of Satan; Most Dangerous: A True Story; and The End Is Only the Beginning: 2022 and the Coming of God
  • Jay Dyer, public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. His graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage and psychological warfare.
  • Sean Stone, filmmaker (Greystone Park, Enter the Fist, A Century of War, co-host Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, RT news show Watching the Hawks) and author of New World Order: A Strategy of Imperialism
  • Sarah Whalen journalist and author of Royal Vengeance, The Assassination of Princess Diana and the Ancient Royal Cult of Human Sacrifice
  • Katherine Wilson screenwriter, film-maker and author of  Echoes From the Set 1967-2017 — 50 Years of Filming On-Location (Volumes 1 and 2)
  • Bruce de Torres  author of God, School, 9/11 and JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free and modera


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