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Zbigniew Brzezinski and Ahriman, The Demon of the Lie

The crisis in Washington over their failed Ukrainian project, their inexorable march toward war with Russia and the Islamic state can be traced back to a legacy of U.S. policies going back to the post-World War II era. This process reached a denouement six months prior to the December 27, 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan when President Carter signed a directive allowing Zbigniew Brzezinski to empower Muslim extremists in Central Asia to trick the Soviet Union into an invasion with lies. In a 1998 interview in Le Nouvel Observateur, Brzezinski boasted about his lies, “That secret operation was an excellent idea. Its objective was to lead the Russian to the Afghan trap, and you want me to regret it?” The reporter asked, “Aren’t you sorry either for favoring Islamic fundamentalism and providing weapons and consultancies to future terrorists?” Brzezinski responded, “What is the most important thing when you look at world history, the Taliban or the fall of the Soviet empire? Some excited Islamists or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?” Zbigniew Brzezinski is responsible for activating the policy almost four decades ago that set in motion the endless wars the world is trapped in today. Brzezinski’s imperial thinking crossed zero point in 1979 when he used the demon of the lie, Ahriman, to beat the Evil Empire! Today Brzezinski is confronted with the fact that the war of light and dark he thought he had won with the collapse of the Soviet Union is not over. The “war” will never be over for Brzezinski unless he conquers the demon of the lie in himself!  If he doesn’t, he will die a bitter old man.
From:The Advent of Ahriman – An Essay on the Deep Forces behind the World-Crisis “The essential Ahrimanic tendency is to materialize; to crystallize; to darken; to silence; to bring living, mobile forces into fixed form — in other words, to kill that which is living. This tendency in itself, within proper bounds, is not evil; the dead, material world is necessary for the regular Gods’ plan of human and cosmic development. The Ahrimanic tendency is evil only when it exceeds proper bounds, when it reaches into what should be alive — and Ahriman does try to exceed proper bounds. Again, the basic reality of the world is spiritual beings together with their deeds, but Ahriman promotes the illusion, the lie, that matter is the basic reality, or the only reality. In fact, Ahrimanic spirits, not “atoms” or “ultimate particles”, are the reality behind the apparently material world. Ahriman lives upon lies; he is a spirit of untruth, the “Father of Lies”.”





Rudolph Steiner’s bust of Ahriman and Zbigniew Brzezinski

America Pivots to Brzezinski’s Delusion of Eurasian Conquest

Opinion updated 17:00 02.06.2015

“We are, and I don’t want to sound alarmist but I am alarmed, closer to the actual possibility of war with Russia than we have ever been since the Cuban missile crisis. That’s how bad it’s been.” (Stephen Cohen)

Paul Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Gould — Russia historian Stephen Cohen points to the neoconservative establishment for America’s latest outbreak of what can only be referred to as late-stage imperial dementia. Neocons Robert Kagan and wife Victoria Nuland have certainly done the heavy lifting to make Ukraine the staging ground for what appears to be a NATO blitzkrieg on Moscow. But whatever the determination of the neocon plot, they are only the barking dogs of master imperialist Zbigniew Brzezinski, whose grand design has been creeping over the globe since he stepped into the Oval office as National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter in 1977.

Brzezinski stands apart as the inspiration for the Ukraine crisis. His 1997 book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives lays out the blueprint for how American primacists should feel towards drawing Ukraine away from Russia because, “Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire.”

© AFP 2015/ Mandel NGAN Brzezinski Family Business – Cold War Brzezinski’s obsession derives from British geographer Sir Halford Mackinder’s 1904 definition of the Central-Eastern nations of Europe as the “Pivot Area”, whose geographic position made them “the vital springboards for the attainment of continental domination.” Whether anyone realizes it, the Obama administration’s current campaign against Russia in Ukraine is of Mackinder’s design brought forward by Brzezinski.

To an expert like Stephen Cohen, the Obama administration’s indictment of Russia over Ukraine “doesn’t correspond to the facts and above all it has no logic.” But a look back forty years reveals that a lot of Cold War thinking wasn’t fact-based either and it may now be instructive to look for answers to Washington’s current dose of illogic in the covert origins of the U.S. supported 1970s war for Afghanistan.

As the first Americans to gain access to Kabul after the Soviet invasion for an American TV crew in 1981 we got a close-up look at the narrative supporting President Carter’s “greatest threat to peace since the second world war” and it didn’t hold up. What had been presented as an open and shut case of Soviet expansion by Harvard Professor Richard Pipes on the MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour could just as easily have been defined as a defensive action within the Soviets’ legitimate sphere of influence. Three years earlier, Pipes’ Team B Strategic Objectives Panel had been accused of subverting the process of making national security estimates by inventing threats where they didn’t exist and intentionally skewing its findings along ideological lines. Now that ideology was being presented as fact by America’s Public Broadcasting System.

In 1983 we returned to Kabul with Harvard Negotiation Project Director Roger Fisher for ABC’s Nightline. Our aim was to establish the credibility of the American claims. We discovered from high level Soviet officials that the Kremlin wanted desperately to abandon the war but the Reagan administration was dragging its feet. From the moment they entered office, the Reagan administration demanded that the Soviets withdraw their forces, while at the same time keeping them pinned down through covert action so they couldn’t leave. Though lacking in facts and dripping in right wing ideology, this hypocritical campaign was embraced by the entire American political spectrum and left willfully-unexamined by America’s mainstream media.

At a conference conducted by the Nobel Institute in 1995, a high level group of former US and Soviet officials faced off over the question: Why did the Soviets invade Afghanistan? Former National Security Council staff member Dr. Gary Sick established that the U.S. had resigned Afghanistan to the Soviet sphere of influence years before the invasion. So why did the US choose an ideologically biased position when there were any number of verifiable fact-based explanations for why the Soviets had invaded?

© Sputnik/ Evgeniya Novozhenova Poland’s Ex-Leader Sees Russia as One of Five Emerging Superpowers To former CIA Director Stansfield Turner, responsibility could only be located in the personality of one specific individual. “Brzezinski’s name comes up here every five minutes; but nobody has as yet mentioned that he is a Pole.” Turner said. “[T]he fact that Brzezinski is a Pole, it seems to me was terribly important.”

What Stansfield Turner was saying in 1995 was that Brzezinski’s well-known hatred of Russia led him to take advantage of the Soviet’s miscalculation. But it wasn’t until the 1998 Nouvel Observateur interview that Brzezinski boasted that he had provoked the invasion by getting Carter to authorize a Presidential finding to intentionally suck the Soviets in six months before they even considered invading.

Yet, despite Brzezinski’s admission, Washington’s entire political spectrum continued to embrace his original false narrative that the Soviets had embarked on a world conquest.

For Brzezinski, getting the Soviets to invade Afghanistan was an opportunity to shift Washington toward an unrelenting hard line against the Soviet Union. By using covert action, he created the conditions needed to provoke a Soviet defensive response which he’d then used as evidence of unrelenting Soviet expansion. However, once his exaggerations and lies about Soviet intentions became accepted, they found a home in America’s imagination and never left.

The Brzezinski-drafted Carter Doctrine put the U.S. into the Middle East with the Rapid Deployment Force, China became engaged as a US military ally and détente with the Soviet Union was dead. The Reagan administration would soon advance on this agenda with a massive military buildup as well as expanded covert actions inside the Soviet Union by the Nationalities Working Group.

The Polish born Brzezinski represented the ascendency of a radical new breed of xenophobic Eastern and Central European intellectual bent on holding Soviet/American policy hostage to their pre-World War II world view. His early support for expanding NATO into Eastern Europe and Ukraine was opposed by 46 senior foreign policy advisors who referred to it in a letter to President Clinton as “a policy error of historic proportions.”

Yet in 1999, the Clinton administration, urged on by what Time Magazine described as “Ethnic lobbying groups such as the Polish American Congress,” began implementing the plan.

US policy since that time has operated in a delusion of triumphalism that both provokes international incidents and then capitalizes on the chaos. A destabilizing strategy of sanctions against Russia, the American military’s training of the Ukrainian National Guard, US troops parading armored vehicles within 300 yards of Russia’s border and warlike statements by NATO leaders can only mean the US is committed to Brzezinski’s strategy of seizing the “Pivot Area” and holding it.

Today it’s Brzezinski’s son Ian who finds Moscow at the root of America’s problems regardless of the facts. He recently recommended to the Senate Armed Services Committee that the authority to make war on Russia should be taken out of President Obama’s hands and given to NATO’s top commander, General Phillip Breedlove; a man accused by the German government of exaggerating the Russian threat in eastern Ukraine by spreading “dangerous propaganda”.

The time has come for the American public to be let in on what US foreign policy has become and to decide whether the Brzezinski family’s personal obsession with fulfilling Mackinder’s directive for conquering the pivot of Eurasia at any cost, should be America’s goal as well.

Jay Dyer of Jay’s Analysis interviews Gould & Fitzgerald

Jay Dyer w/Gould & Fitzgerald: Mystical Imperialism, Afghanistan & Beyond

Veteran researchers, historians, writers and geopolitical analysts Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould joined me to discuss their scholarly works, notably Invisible History: The Untold Story of Afghanistan, Crossing Zero and The Voice. In this interview, we dive into mystical imperialism, the Great Game, black ops in Afghanistan, the role of geopolitical strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Mujahideen, the Cold War and the Rand Corporation, Soviet espionage and British Intelligence, spy games, the history of Templarism, Roman Catholicism, BCCI and the drug trade, and much, much more!

Click here for the 2 hour interview


Zbigniew Brzezinski and Ahriman, the “Father of Lies”

crisis in Washington over their failed Ukrainian project, their inexorable march toward war with Russia and the Islamic state can all be traced back to a legacy of U.S. policies going back to the post-World War II era. This process reached a denouement six months prior to the December 27, 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan when President Carter signed a directive allowing Zbigniew Brzezinski to empower Muslim extremists in Central Asia to trick the Soviet Union into an invasion with lies. In a 1998 interview in Le Nouvel Observateur, Brzezinski boasted about his use of lies, “That secret operation was an excellent idea. Its objective was to lead the Russian to the Afghan trap, and you want me to regret it? The very same day the Soviets crossed the Afghan border I wrote the following to President Carter: This is our chance to give Russia its Viet Nam.” The reporter then asked, “Aren’t you sorry either for favoring Islamic fundamentalism and providing weapons and consultancies to future terrorists?” Brzezinski responded, “What is the most important thing when you look at world history, the Taliban or the fall of the Soviet empire? Some excited Islamists or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?” Zbigniew Brzezinski is responsible for activating the policy almost four decades ago that set in motion the crisis of endless wars the world is trapped in today.   The mystical thread that runs deeply underneath the historical agenda is now becoming visible. Brzezinski’s imperial thinking crossed zero point in 1979 when he used the power of the demon of the lie, Ahriman, to beat the Evil Empire! Today Brzezinski is confronted with the fact that the war of light and dark he thought he had won with the collapse of the Soviet Union is not over. The “war” will never be over for Brzezinski unless he realizes he must conquer the demon of the lie in himself!  If he doesn’t, he will die a bitter old man.
“Ahriman is the inspirer of the most extreme kind of “scientific” materialism: the doctrine that there is no spirit or soul in the world; that life itself is not in fact alive, but is only a complex of mechanical processes; that reality is at base only quantitative, that there is no reality in the qualitative — color, sound, etc.; even that the human’s inner being is a confluence of material forces. On the emotional level, he works in the human subconscious instincts, inspiring fear, hatred, lust for power, and destructive sex impulses. On the mental level, he (Ahriman) inspires rigid, automatic thinking: (in Steiner’s phrase) thinking almost entirely without thoughts, but thinking tremendously strongly in the language, in the literal words, which easily become empty words, which in turn easily become lies.” ___________________________________________________________________________________________

“A powerful spiritual being, called “Ahriman” (or “Satan”), will incarnate in a human body. The terms “soul” and “spirit” have clear meanings. Earthly/cosmic evolution is an outcome of the deeds of the Gods. The central event of earth-evolution was the Incarnation of Christ. Spiritual powers of opposition are active: Lucifer, Ahriman, Sorat. Ahriman is the inspirer of materialistic science and commercialism, and permeates modern culture with deadening forces. Ordinary scientific thinking is only semi-conscious; we can, however, make thinking conscious. The spirits of opposition are necessary in the Gods’ evolutionary design. Ahriman manifests especially at 666-year intervals; the contemporary is 1998 AD = 3×666. Goethean science is a life-positive alternative to Ahrimanic science. Ahriman-in-the-flesh will likely present himself as the Christ. The Christ does not reappear in a physical body, but in a super-physical, ethereal form. Ahriman may incarnate “macrocosmically” in our computers. Mankind will acquire new faculties of thinking-consciousness and clairvoyance. Ahriman seeks to pervert these faculties, and to divert mankind and the earth from their destined paths in the Gods’ evolutionary plan. Ahrimanic secret societies influence politics, finance, and culture. A false “Maitreya” is “emerging” as a false Christ. An epistemology of conscious thinking supports the expansion of consciousness to the perception of spiritual truths.”________________________

“The intention of Ahriman, and his hosts, is to freeze the earth into complete rigidity, so that it will not pass over to the Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan ages, and to make the Man into an entirely earthly being — unindividualized, unfree, and divorced from the normal Gods’ cosmos. The essential Ahrimanic tendency is to materialize; to crystallize; to darken; to silence; to bring living, mobile forces into fixed form — in other words, to kill that which is living. This tendency in itself, within proper bounds, is not evil; the dead, material world is necessary for the regular Gods’ plan of human and cosmic development. The Ahrimanic tendency is evil only when it exceeds proper bounds, when it reaches into what should be alive — and Ahriman does try to exceed proper bounds. Again, the basic reality of the world is spiritual beings together with their deeds, but Ahriman promotes the illusion, the lie, that matter is the basic reality, or the only reality. In fact, Ahrimanic spirits, not “atoms” or “ultimate particles”, are the reality behind the apparently material world. Ahriman lives upon lies; he is a spirit of untruth, the “Father of Lies”.”

Brzezinski’s 2007 testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is damning and very powerful.

Considering Brzezinski’s role in activating a policy of empowering Muslim extremists in Central Asia to trick the Soviet’s into their 1979 invasion of Afghanistan, his testimony is also shocking. In a 1998 interview Brzezinski boasted, “That secret operation was an excellent idea. Its objective was to lead the Russian to the Afghan trap, and you want me to regret it? The reporter asked, “Aren’t you sorry either for favoring Islamic fundamentalism and providing weapons and consultancies to future terrorists?” Brzezinski responded, “What is the most important thing when you look at world history, the Taliban or the fall of the Soviet empire? Some excited Islamists or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?”
It must be challenging for Brzezinski to see the down side of his Imperial brilliance!

By Global Research February 25, 2007
Editor’s Note:
We bring to the attention of our readers the complete transcript of Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski’s statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as well as the transcript of the debate. It is important to note that Brzezinski acknowledges US military ambitions with regard to Iran and the possibility that the Bush administration could choose to trigger a war pretext incident which would then justify a  “defensive” war on Iran. Brzezinski tacitly acknowledges that the “war on terrorism” is bogus. He points at length at the fabricated pretext for waging war on Iraq and cites the controversial Downing Street Memo. In the present context, Brzezinski’s statement, from within the Washington establishment, is a breath of fresh air; while it upholds the basic tenets of US foreign policy, it constitutes a voice of moderation in relation to the Neoconservative agenda. Carefully read both his opening address but also the discussion, where he points to the politically corrupt nature of the Bush administration and how fake intelligence was used as a pretext to wage war on Iraq. If you do not have time to go through the entire transcript, read the highlights below.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research,  24 February 2007   Read the full article here.

A surprising analysis about the Ukraine/Russia situation from a self-described American Hawk!

“Putin has played his side of the chessboard with skill, keeping Ukraine in chaos and on the verge of bankruptcy. Putin doesn’t want to conquer Ukraine: he wants to create a running sore of permanent instability on the West’s eastern flank. That is precisely what I would do in his position, and what I predicted would happen in February 2014: “[The] West [has] a limited number of choices. The first is to do nothing and watch the country spiral into chaos, with Russia as the eventual beneficiary. The second is to dig deep into its pockets and find US$20 billion or more to buy near-term popularity for a pro-Western government – an unlikely outcome. The third, and the most realistic, is to steer Ukraine towards a constitutional referendum including the option of partition.”

By Spengler
Jan 28, ’15 Asia Times
Full article can be read here.

Microsoft Is Going to Fill the World With Holograms

We introduced the DREAM CATCHER as a Hologram creation device in The Voice, a novel we published 14 years ago:

Page 17 “The entire scene gave the impression of one huge machine and after walking for what seemed five minutes we came to a set of steel doors. Inside, a young man sat motionless, staring vacantly at a bank of monitors as his hands grasped a small black machine with shiny gold letters that read Dream Catcher. Perry is our guinea pig. Right now he’s battling Kirk Douglas in Sparticus, Rick said, his voice echoing off the empty walls. Next he’ll have a drink at Rick’s cafe with Humphrey Bogart and Claude Rains, have a dance with Julia Roberts and maybe even go to bed with Marilyn Monroe. I glanced at the monitors as Rick removed the Dream Catcher from Perry’s lap and withdrew what seemed like a small glass marble. Then, replacing the marble with one drawn from his pocket I watched as the image of a sneering Douglas, was replaced with Bogart. Rick marveled at the image of the young intern from Sussex as he postured in front of Claude Rains. Imagine the possibilities of this. Look at him. He’s entirely lost in it. Just like a dream.”

If you want to know where we think Hologram technology is really headed read The Voice !

Click here to view the Microsoft HoloLens – Transform your world with holograms promotion
For the first time ever, Microsoft HoloLens seamlessly blends high-definition holograms with your real world. Holograms will improve the way you do things every day, and enable you to do things you’ve never done before.

Afghanistan Between Three Worlds is on YouTube

A 1981 Film from behind Soviet Lines and those first few crucial moments in a conflict that still rocks the world
Afghanistan Between Three Worldsa one hour documentary
by Paul Fitzgerald & Elizabeth Gould
The Story: Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan on December 27, 1979, the entire corps of 1136 Western journalists was expelled, leaving what President Jimmy Carter called the “the greatest threat to peace since the second World War,” shielded in secrecy from Western eyes. In 1981, the Afghan government granted us exclusive permission to spend 10 days inside the country. What our camera saw and reported in an exclusive news story for CBS News was a country desperate to survive the vice-like grip of superpower confrontation while building a modern identity from the mire, violence and confusion of its feudal past. Aired on the PBS network from 1982 to 1983, Afghanistan Between Three Worlds stands today as the only documentary of its kind to challenge the monolithic Cold War images of the era by casting its focus on a different facet of the Afghan war. It is a witness to what might have been had diplomacy prevailed and to one of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century. View the film here.

The Woman in Exile Returns is on YouTube

A Film by Paul Fitzgerald & Elizabeth Gould
The Story: As the first Afghan refugee to come to the US in 1978, Sima Wali transformed herself from victim to advocate. As President of Refugee Women in Development (RefWID), Inc. she worked for decades to empower uprooted women around the world to assert  their rights and participate in their own economic and social development. Today Wali is one of the most vital and respected Afghans around the world.

In October of 2002 Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald, the first American journalists to get behind Soviet lines in 1981, filmed Wali’s first return to Kabul since her exile. As a human rights expert for the empowerment of refugee women, Wali went to run a capacity building workshop for indigenous Afghan women-led organizations. As a woman in exile herself, Wali also went to reconnect to the ground of her own empowerment as a young women growing up in Afghanistan. The Woman in Exile Returns, the film about Wali’s journey home, will give Americans the chance to discover one Afghan’s vision for her people. The only way to bring stability and peace to this vital region is through the rebuilding of Afghan civil society based on tolerance and democracy.
Running time: 58 minutes   2004    Click here to watch.

Viewers Comment:  “This story is timeless!” “Awesome… It was filled with real hope.”  “A universal story of how women use their strength in a positive way.”

Master Mystical Imperialist Zbigniew Brzezinski, Afghanistan and Winning the Cold War

America’s conflict with Russia regarding the Ukraine and the transformation of Muslim  extremists into the leadership of the Islamic State (ISIS) were both triggered by a legacy US policies towards Central Asia and the Soviet Union going back to the post-World War II era. This process reached a peak at least 6 months prior to the December 27, 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan when President Jimmy Carter signed a secret directive allowing his national security adviser Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski to empower Muslim extremists in Central Asia to trick the Soviet Union into an invasion of Afghanistan

In a 1998 interview in Le Nouvel Observateur, Brzezinski boasted, “That secret operation was an excellent idea. Its objective was to lead the Russian to the Afghan trap, and you want me to regret it? The very same day the Soviets crossed the Afghan border I wrote the following to President Carter: This is our chance to give Russia its Viet Nam.” The reporter then asked, “Aren’t you sorry either for favoring Islamic fundamentalism and providing weapons and consultancies to future terrorists?” Without hesitation Brzezinski responded, “What is the most important thing when you look at world history, the Taliban or the fall of the Soviet empire? Some excited Islamists or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?” Brzezinski clearly was convinced that his 1979 policy was correct. Winning the “Cold War” was all that mattered back then.

Ironically, once the anti- Muslim backlash began to grow after 9/11, Brzezinski started  calling for an end to irrational hostilities towards the Muslim world as a solution to the spread of Islamic extremism. In a 2008 interview Brzezinski even referred to himself as an optimist in Russian-American relations and that the younger generation of both countries would find much in common as soon as “the dinosaurs of the Cold War” die out. Since the Ukraine crisis erupted it is obvious that Dr. Brzezinski miscalculated  not only the negative long-term effects of his policies on the US and the region but how tenaciously  those “dinosaurs of the Cold War” could continue to hold the Washington bureaucracy in its grip.

WATCH our presentation-Afghanistan and Mystical Imperialism: An expose of the esoteric underpinnings of American foreign policy Read a review from  Afghanistan bedeviled by ‘Mystical Imperialism’.

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