*Geonomics: a doctrine holding that humans own what is created by them, but that those things found in nature, such as land, belong to no one person but instead belong equally to all humankind. –
Guest presenter Alanna Hartzok will give a power point presentation on Sacred Rule Economics showing the perennial wisdom teachings about land, money and public finance. Economic justice will lead the way to world peace when land and natural resource values - Commons Rent - become the primary source for raising public revenue. Read more in our World Peace Proposal at Valediction.net, starting on page 37. We’ll leverage the interregnum from the Sept 4th death of Queen Elizabeth to the May 6th coronation of King Charles and the June 10th 60th Anniversary of JFK’s Peace Speech to promote world peace based on economic justice culminating with a musical celebration in Ireland. Watch the presentation here.
Featuring Paul Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Gould, and Alanna Hartzok
Host: Kris Millegan, TrineDay Publishing Moderator: Bruce de Torres, Marketing Director, TrineDay.com
A FREE Zoom Event Wed. Jan. 25, 2023 3:00 – 4:30 pm/EST RSVP Required at Valediction.net
–Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, husband and wife co-authors of INVISIBLE HISTORY: Afghanistan’s Untold Story; CROSSING ZERO: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire; THE VALEDICTION: Three Nights of Desmond, and THE VALEDICTION: Resurrection.
–Alanna Hartzok is an educator, activist and lecturer in the areas of economic justice, land rights, and commons rent public finance, and she is the Administrator for the Baltimore Thrive commons rent policy implementation project. Her book THE EARTH BELONGS TO EVERYONE received the Radical Middle Book Award. She is a recipient of the International Earth Day Award and was a candidate for Congress, for the Green Party in 2001 and the Democratic Party in 2014. Alanna initiated a tax reform bill for the state of Pennsylvania that passed nearly unanimously. Learn more at The International Union for Land Value Taxation, theiu(dot)org.