Daniel Estulin Interviews Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

Click here to listen:The Cat overboard – The Untold Story of Afghanistan

Entrevistas , Política Internacional Añadir comentarios Interviews , International Politics Add comment

November 15 2010 The interview  we did with Afghanistan’s two top experts in the world – Paul Fitzgerald and Liz Gould. In the interview they talk about the dramatic situation and not counted in the media about Afghanistan

El Gato al agua   La historia no contada de Afganistán El Gato al Agua

Oliver Stone Praises Crossing Zero

“Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould have seen the importance of the ‘Great Game’ in Afghanistan since the early 1980s.  They have been most courageous in their commitment to telling the truth — and have paid a steep price for it.  Their views have never been acceptable to mainstream media in our country, but they deserve accolades.  If only our establishment had listened to them.”

~ Oliver Stone

Selig Harrison Praises Crossing Zero

Crossing Zero is much more than a devastating indictment of the folly of U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan. Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould demonstrate that the U.S. debacle in Afghanistan is the predictable climax of U.S. imperial overreach on a global scale. Like their earlier work documenting the origins of U.S. involvement in Afghanistan during the Cold War, Crossing Zero deserves the attention of all serious students of U.S. foreign policy.

–Selig S. Harrison Co-author with Diego Cordovez of Out of Afghanistan: The Inside Story of the Soviet Withdrawal (Oxford, 1996)

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