By Josiah Bouricius on March 23, 2015
A series of dreams about the “Black Knight”, Paul’s 12th century Irish ancestor, begins to awaken him to this new reality and the threads connecting historical events and actors ranging from the Crusades to the Knights Templar to Queen Elizabeth and her mystical advisors to JFK and modern-day Afghanistan. The plot, based on solid historical research, centers around the Geraldine clan of Ireland whose descendants include John Fitzgerald Kennedy. While reading The Voice I experienced intuitions, dreams and synchronicities similar to those the authors wrote about. First published in 2000, The Voice is more relevant than ever in the context of current global events.
For further exploration I also recommend reading “Family of Secrets”, Russ Baker’s meticulously documented investigation of the Bush family and its rise to political power. According to a 2008 article in the Guardian, George Bush is a descendent of Lord Gilbert de Clare or “Strongbow”, the 12th century Earl of Pembroke, whose modern-day reincarnation is the primary villain in The Voice. Also check out the authors’ website for more information about the philosophy and history that inspired The Voice